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the key narrative for future business evolution

It's time for sustainable growth before short-term results!

MOMs play a crucial role to shift the status quo

Research proofs

“Being a mother is not a bug or penalty in business but a key-feature for future leadership and business success.”

Eve Simon

Do you need more research and experiences showing why hiring mothers into leadership roles is crucial for future success?

Our Vision

Business as a force for creating value for society - with more mothers at the helm.

We believe, the purpose of business is creating value for people and the planet, holding the space for everyone to shine and bring their talents to the greater whole, to collaborate and co-create solutions which tackle the biggest challenges of our times.


We as a society accomplished a lot. Now we reached a time where 'care'ship' comes before 'leadership' - holding the space and vision for future generations before our present benefits.

Gutenachkuss vom Kind

Hi, I am Eve

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Eve Simon

Consultant & Coach - Mom & Nature Lover

Founder of MOMS LEAD

I am thrilled to e-meet you here. As a business transformer I work in many environments and set-ups from large corporations to start-ups. I meet amazing people who are brilliant and driven. Working mostly with leaders and executives I observed continuously a crucial gap: (active) Moms are missing at 'the decision table'. And that is fatal for business success, development of future products (just saying ... watch out ChatGTP), the well-being at work and the talent gap we are facing. We see luckily more and more women in professional roles - even leadership roles, but almost NO MOMS. I was very curious about to learn why that is, the impact it has on business and society and what we need to change to fill this gap, so we have all voices at all times within the ecosystem of a company and society.

I started this journey of exploration and questioning the status quo in 2021. And here I love to share all my insights and these of many working moms around the globe with you - to inspire moms, decision makers in HR & Inclusion and of course dads. At the end it's a systemic shift which will benefit all of us long-term when we see more moms in leadership roles.


Productive Women

Culture Change

Diversity is key! We all know we need all voices at the table. To achieve that, we need female role-models, co-creators at home and ambassadors in business who speak up. Only together, in conversation and with a new consciousness of knowing the three fundamental needs of human kind we will change the status quo.

Image by Saketh Garuda

System Change

'Culture eats strategy for breakfast' - we have heard that before. But to change culture new compliance, rules and methods are evenly important. Working from home, 4-day week, shared paternity leave, job sharing are just a few principles which should be today a no-brainier to attract the best talents.

Image by Brooke Cagle

Individual Change

When we want to change the status quo we have to get into the game and can not complain from the side-line. Change begins with us. A radiant mom is an amazing accelerator for sustainability, innovation, progress and well-being. Your voice and wisdom is tremendously needed - now and for future generations .



A Living Library awaits you – during our Summits in 2021 & 2022 we inspired many moms, dads & HR & DEI decision makers to accelerate their leadership game and increase the quality of life for them and the people around. Building on this firework of 50+ interviews and workshops we now work on launching our comprehensive Membership Wisdom Hub to make all great insights available for you on your terms and timing.

Don’t miss out: Over 50 leadership mamas around the globe shared blunt and real their stories and insights - the good and the bad and what it took to be where they are at right now. Sign-up today to be a founding member of this great wisdom circle.

COMMUNITY Accelerator



Being a mom often pulls us in a million directions. To stay focused and energized you have to know your Inner Compass - your True North, your Purpose, your Strength and Values as well as your Vision. We designed a program just for you to overcome barriers and continue accelerating from within - instead of being driven from outer circumstances.

CAREER Accelerator

Inner Leadership Compass

You are not alone - no matter if you are based in Africa, Asia, Europe or the US, moms often face the same challenges. We believe, together we are better. We also believe there is not one answer but many. We want to share with you all the insights we found during Eve's research, but also inspire you to speak up - as a mother, dad or as a representative in media & corporate. When we voice the imbalance and challenges, we create unity and not separation - we find new solutions and we ignite change (not just fill the talent gap).

CORPORATE Accelerator




Decision Makers

Up for a unique perspective, a different conversation,

a proven success model and a circle of influencer?

Through our research around the globe, we accumulated a systemic and future oriented success framework, that we love to share with you.

Invite us into the conversation, pick our brain, let us challenge and inspire you.

From key-notes to in-house transformation journeys - we are well equipped as experts in the field of Diversity & Inclusion, Corporate Growth and Employee Well-Being.

Are you ready to step up the game to transform business into the force for good?

  1. Become a sponsor of this initiative

  2. Bring the Living Library to your parents


Ready to bring more women into leadership roles? Fill your talent gap and reflect as a top attractive employer.

Agile & Regenerative Leadership
Who is best equipped for leading the way?

It's time to change the way we create the Future. With a mothering mindset, foresight thinking and care'ship we are able to shift the conversation and create the best solutions for next generations

Mothers rock the boat every day - let's make it visible and impactful beyond the old paradigm - in our mothering way in business.

On the horizon

Washing Dishes

Time to GIVE

Not everyone is as privileged to choose to work, instead having to provide for a whole family and sometimes even a village. As it takes a village to raise a child, we are eager to support these moms and parents by giving regularly.

Unicorns show up in different ways, not just in Silicon Valley.


We love, an organization supporting female solo'preneurs with microloans in under privileged areas of the world.

Image by Sid Saxena

Future Female Leadership Intensive


2.5h each day

January 29th-Feb 1st

Create consciously the next chapter of your life. Design from the inside out, hack your barriers, vision what is possible and create the road map to reach what your heart desires. Designed to the needs of women & MOMS who desire a flourishing career and a fulfilled family life.

Mobile application
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Be part of the MLC



We will launch our community offer providing each week inspirational videos from moms who already live a balanced life, with micro lessons to accelerate your career and learn tricks for self-care, to connect and network with amazing moms who are vulnerable, messy and just super cool just like you and me and many moms who pave the path for future generations.

Raise the bar


We are still following an old paradigm, created on a model of the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century. To move towards a sustainable future, we have to shift our thinking and actions towards an integrative approach which leads by love instead of power, cares more than it manage, places curiosity before knowledge and is built for future generations.


Lift up your Change Agents:


Mothers are exceptional igniter for change & impact.

And they are the secret success factor for your quest to fill the talent gap, ESG agenda & DEI goals.

Ready to explore how can accelerate your company?

Better together

Speer headed by our founder Eve Simon we believe in the power of a flock of birds - leading by knowledge, circumstances and motivation. We are a bunch of women, moms and experts leading the way, engaged in initiatives beyond us.

Like to join?

What is your passion? Would you like to help us accelerate this movement?

We are hiring

As kids grow fast, so do we. Looking for a RESEARCH Intern who loves to write, research and organize the chaos of a start-up/non-profit. Do you see a future with less stress, better opportunities for everyone, equal share and a healthy environment? We love to have you with us.

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Ute Trunte, Amazon

You can have it all - sure. The barrier is our perspective, the support system we build on and the mindset of what we truly want. The Inner Compass program was a great way to find strength, focus and direction for the next chapter of my life and leadership engagement. With the highlight of connecting with mothers from around the world. Truly inspiring.

Explore Voices & Appraisals

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Michael Nuesser, Vodafone

Motherhood is a boot-camp in agile mindset and behavior. So many parallels showcase how well equipped moms are for leading in the NEW WORK style and context. Collaborative, agile and conscious. I wish more moms could get the chance to step up and bring their full self to the table of decision making - just like the ones presented in the Summit.

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Cristina Constantin, Microsoft

To see again how much we have in common and how unique we still are was a key insight for me in joining the Moms Who Lead program and support the storytelling journey initiative.We can learn so much from each-other and become stronger as moms and leaders when we connect to others and our own Inner North.

Spread the word

Media, podcasts, in-house program

Would you like to write about us and the Moms Lead Change movement? Interview our founder Eve Simon in your next podcast? Bring a key-note or program into your diversity program?

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Recent Publications

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